Family Lawyer Liverpool

Liverpool’s best family lawyers – Experienced solicitor guaranteed


Whether it is for your divorce, property settlement or custody of your child, Liverpool’s specialist family lawyers – Opal Legal is your best point of contact for all your family law questions and representation.

Six reasons why you should choose Opal legal?

  • Knowledge: Family law is a complex and ever-changing area of law. At Opal Legal you will be dealing with Liverpool’s best family lawyers who have the most comprehensive knowledge of family law.
  • Experience: There is no substitute for experience. We appear in the family courts most days of the week. We have many years of intensive experience in family law. With our family lawyer in Liverpool, you can be confident you are in capable hands.
  • We listen: From the time of your first free consultation, our family lawyers in Liverpool will listen carefully to your questions and reach an understanding of what results you hope to achieve.
  • Empathy: We advise separated partners on an almost daily basis. We understand how distressing and devastating a separation can be. Our divorce lawyer in Liverpool will be there to guide you through this difficult time.
  • The best advice: After fully understanding your case, our Liverpool family lawyer will chalk out strategies to get you the best possible outcome.
  • Affordable. We will try to finalise your case as quickly as possible and in the most cost-effective way possible.

Liverpool’s Best Property Settlement Lawyers –

Settling property disputes in family law cases can be complex, frustrating and time-consuming.

When parties in a marriage separate, it is common for each party to have widely divergent expectations of what their fair share of the split should be.

At Opal Legal, our family law property specialist lawyer will guide and advocate for you at each step of the way.

In a property settlement case, there is a four-step process that must be followed. Opal Legal’s Liverpool family solicitor will addresses each step. The steps are:

Step 1: Identify and value all the assets and liabilities of the marriage. This includes ensuring that your former partner provides full and frank disclosure of all the assets s/he owns or has an interest in.

Step 2: Identify and assess the contributions made by each party. This includes financial and non-financial contributions as well as contributions as a home-maker and parent. An example of non-financial contributions is renovations or repairs to the family home done by a party.

Step 3: Identify and asses the future needs and resources of the parties. Up to 22 factors can be considered by the court in this stage.

Step 4: The court will then step back and consider whether the property orders are “just and equitable.”

Alternatively, the parties may wish to enter into a binding financial agreement instead of going to court. However, with a financial agreement, your family lawyer in Liverpool will still have to ensure that the above steps are complied with.

Best Family Lawyers who will Fight for Custody of your Child

Trying to get custody for your child can be a harrowing experience, especially where the other party is controlling who the children can live with or spend time with.

Under the Family Law Act (see section 61DA):

  • There is a presumption that it is in the best interest of a child for the child’s parents to have equal shared parental responsibility for the child.
  • The presumption does not apply if there are reasonable grounds to believe that a parent of the child has engaged in child abuse or family violence.

The Family Law Act (see section 65DAA) also says:

  • If there is a parenting order which gives equal shared parental responsibility for a child to their parents, then the court must consider whether the child should spend equal time with each parent.
  • If the court does not make an equal time order, then the court must consider whether the child should spend substantial and significant time with each parent. For there to be substantial and significant time, the time should include week days, week ends and holidays.

Whether you are seeking to spend substantial and significant time, equal time or all time with your child, Opal Legal is your best choice for a family lawyer in Liverpool specialising in child custody.

Opal Legal will represent you to obtain interim orders (Read More) or final orders for your child.

Looking for the Best Divorce Lawyer at Liverpool?

If you are looking to divorce your partner in addition to other family law applications or simply want a divorce, oir divorce lawyer in Liverpool will cater for all your needs.

The procedure for divorce in Australia has been greatly simplified.

With the right advice, your divorce can now be finalised quickly and with minimum distress to you with the guidance of our Liverpool family lawyer.

The Family Law Specialists

Opal Legal is your go-to family law solicitor in Liverpool for any other family law problems you may be facing. We have in-depth experience in:

You can contact us for a FREE CASE EVALUATION or REQUEST A QUOTE now.

Liverpool Local Court
Liverpool Local Court

Opal Legal

Suite 8, Level 1, 131-135 George Street,
Liverpool, NSW 2170

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