
Family Law Fees

We will provide a fixed fee quote for an Application or Response. Your application or response will be vetted by an experienced family law barrister before it is finalised. We will also provide you with an estimate of fees for your case until it is finalised. We will regularly update our costs estimates as your case progresses.

Conveyancing Fees

We will provide a fixed fee quote for buying or selling a property.

Wills & Probate

  • We will provide a fixed fee quote for preparing your will.

Grant of Probate/Letters of Administration: We will usually be able to provide a fixed fee quote.

Family Provision: We will provide a fixed fee quote for the Initiating Application or Defence. This fee will include the services of experienced barrister. We also provide an estimate of fees for your case until it is finalised. We will regularly update our costs estimates as your case progresses.

Criminal Law / Apprehended Violence Orders / Traffic Law Fees

  • Local Court Pleas: We will usually be able to provide a fixed fee quote.
  • Local Court Hearings: We will usually be able to provide a fixed fee quote.
  • District Court Sentences: We will usually be able to provide a fixed fee quote.
  • District Court All Grounds Appeals: We will usually be able to provide a fixed fee quote.
  • District Court Severity Appeals: We will usually be able to provide a fixed fee quote.
  • Indictable Matters/District Court Trials: We will usually be able to provide a fixed fee quote for work up to committal. This fee will include the services of experienced criminal barrister. We also provide an estimate of fees for the trial until it is finalised. We will regularly update our costs estimates as your case progresses.

Civil Litigation

  • We will provide a fixed fee quote for preparing a Statement of Claim or Defence. Your pleadings will be vetted by an experienced barrister before it is finalised. We will also provide you with an estimate of fees for your case until it is finalised. We will regularly update our costs estimates as your case progresses.

Family Law Fees

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      Family LawConveyancing, Buying/Selling BusinessLeasesCriminal LawEmploymentWills & ProbateBuilding & ConstructionCivil LitigationOther

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          Family LawConveyancing, Buying/Selling BusinessLeasesCriminal LawEmploymentWills & ProbateBuilding & ConstructionCivil LitigationOther