Traffic Law

Traffic Lawyers Sydney - Solve Complex Matters by Expert Defense

Police car


There are two common situations where your licence can be suspended:

1.    Speeding & “P” Drivers

Your licence will be suspended if one of the following things happens:

  • You are booked by police for speeding more than 45 kph above the speed limit;
  • You are booked by police for speeding more than 30 kph above the speed limit;
  • You are a provisional licence holder (‘P’ plater) and have lost all of your demerit points

In such cases, you may lodge a ‘licence appeal’ in the Local Court. After hearing the licence appeal, the Magistrate can:

a) Allow the appeal. This will eliminate the suspension period completely;

b) Dismiss the appeal and confirm the suspension period; or

c) Dismiss the appeal and reduce the suspension period to any period he or she sees as appropriate.

2.    Demerit points suspension

If the RMS has advised you that your license will be suspended because a traffic infringement has resulted in you using up all your demerit points, you generally cannot lodge a “licence appeal.”

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By Namrata Singh | November 5th, 2016

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